The most popular Android apps

Facebook for Android
Facebook for Android


Most of you probably haven’t really thought about what the most popular Android application is. Still, simple logic would probably lead you to think it’s some of Google’s apps, which come pre-installed on most Android smartphones, but as it turns out it’s actually Facebook, at least according to Nielsen agency.

Angry Birds for Android
Angry Birds for Android


They say Facebook is practically the second most popular Android application after the Market, but we’re going to assume Google’s appstore isn’t on the chart, as you need it in order to install any other application. After Facebook, come Google’s apps and after them – Pandora, Angry Birds and Words with Friends. The charts differ from one age group to another, but the apps are generally the same, just in another order.

Advanced Task Killer for Android
Advanced Task Killer for Android


The results also bear some bad news for developers – Advanced Task Killer is also very popular, which is probably due to the fact that users don’t realize how Android handles multitasking and that it doesn’t need a task killer. According to some developers, task killer applications may even cause battery problems. B. A.

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