How-to Use an Old Version of Skype 3.8 and 4.2 – Portable and Fully Working

How-to Use an old Version of Skype 3.8 and 4.2 - Portable and Fully Working

Skype 3.8 and 4.2 – Portable and Fully Working


What we have here is not a regular post about smartphones and tablets, it’s about how-to still use the old versions of Skype 3.8 and 4.2 – yeah, the good old Skype is still working and here’s the guide how-to get it running!

The problem is if you’re still using some of the old versions of Skype there’s no way to “Sign In”, and you’re forced to download and install the latest version of Skype. Of course, the latest version is bigger, uses much more RAM (1.5GB on my desktop, WTF!?) and lags, lags lags….

The magic comes from Russia and it features a modded portable Skype versions –,, and How it works, well it features some changes in the protocol versions ( ->, -> and that’s how you’re able to “Sign In” without getting an error due to the outdated version.

How-to get the old Skype running:

  • Download the files from HERE (torrent file) or direct .ZIP archive DOWNLOAD HERE (archive password is: “”)
  • Open the SkypePortable folder and click on (if you want another version just use the right .cmd)
  • Start the icon.cmd file to get a shortcut of Skype on your Desktop and start it – enjoy the good old Skype 🙂
  • Use autorun.cmd if you want it in the Start Up folder (DO NOT USE the option “Start Skype when the computer starts”)


All the credits goes to Vilko.


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