The First Android 4.2 ROM (CyanogenMod 10.1) for HTC HD2

Android 4.2 ROM (CyanogenMod 10.1) for HTC HD2

Android 4.2 ROM (CyanogenMod 10.1) for HTC HD2


Here is the first Android 4.2.1 ROM for our beloved HTC HD2 (cooked by sportsstar89 from XDA-Developers)! The new ROM is currently in alpha version, based on the latest CyanogenMod 10.1 source and almost everything is working, but there is no WiFi and Data connection – so it’s not intended for daily usage at the moment.

Android 4.2 ROM (CyanogenMod 10.1) for HTC HD2

Android 4.2 ROM (CyanogenMod 10.1) for HTC HD2


To get it running on your HD2 you need to use cLK and system partition size 275 (the ROM will not work with MAGLDR), stay tuned for more stable releases and new ROMs 😀


Download and more info


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