Nokia N9 Running Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich ROM
Here is the first test ROM file with Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich for Nokia N9, which is the result of the Mayhem project @ NITDroid. The software is now ready for use by everyone and allows you to choose which OS to load when you turn on the phone. Because of the nature of all test developments, not everything works, but in fact the list of active features is very good, which is definitely a plus! Installation instructions can be found by following the download link below and you can check it running in the attached video.
Things expected to work:
- dualboot kernel (without reflashing), ability to choose OS after power on.
- 3D drivers, OpenGL
- hwrotation (portrait mode only, accelerometer HAL doesn’t work)
- touchscreen (multitouch)
- hw buttons (volume, power)
- ECI accessory (headset buttons)
- USB networking
- lcd off in sleep mode
- alarm driver, RTC
- mounting MyDocs as “SDCard” [realized; NOT FIXED, but HACK EXISTS]
- basic video decoding (sw) and playback, youtube (choppy)
- basic CellMo functionality: network registration, USSD, SMS, data (GPRS/EDGE/3G), signaling. Actually, ofono/ofono-ril stack is used: all things that it able to do on the n900.
- bluetooth (scanning, can pair devices. I didn’t test deeper).
- charging (note: without any notification in UI)
- sensors: accelerometer
- audio: playback (audio routing to: loudspeaker, headset or earpiece)
- lights HAL (lcd brightness)
- root access (via adb shell; su/Superuser.apk)