Ask Ziggy – a Siri alternative for Windows Phone
iPhone 4S users have their voice assistant called Siri, it’s a part of the operating system (iOS 5), but if you like it and want to have a similar functionality on your Windows Phone based smartphone, it will be better to check out the application called – Ask Ziggy.
Ask Ziggy for Windows Phone demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800
Ask Ziggy is a free application that provides a functionality similar to the Siri for your Windows Phone device, but as with Siri (supports multiple languages), here the main language is only English.
At Ask Ziggy you have an option to choose between male and female voices for your virtual astistent. To use the Ask Ziggy app on your smartphone, it is necessary for you to have installed the latest Windows Phone 7.5, so if you didn’t updated your device yet – just do it 🙂