Advanced Configuration Tool for Windows Phone Mango
|Advanced Configuration Tool for Windows Phone 7 allows you to customize themes, sounds, tiles, icons and to tweak your phone.
It is currently compatible with HTC, Samsung and LG WP7.
New in version – full support of Mango.
Features & tweaks:
- Display device info: device name & model, software & hardware versions, memory info, storage info, IP addresses, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth MAC addresses
- Customize accent colors, create new colors, add predefined colors, remove existing ones
- Customize system sounds and set individual volume for each sound event
- Customize tiles and icons for applications including built-in (HTC & LG only Tiles must be named AppTile_*.png and placed in \Windows directory, as well as icons must be named AppIcon_*.png)
- Provisioning XML support: open provisioning XML files from file explorer, email attachment or web link (HTC & LG only It will open .xml files, not .provxml files, so rename it if needed)
- Personalize device name
- Don’t dehydrate apps on pause
- Allow max unsigned applications
- Prevent phone from relocking
- Enable Wi-Fi 802.11n mode
- Show 3G toggle
- Show 3G+ icon for HSDPA
- Run Auto Data Config
- SMS recipient limit
- Allow disable lock screen timeout
- Enable advanced accessibility settings
- Fix caller ID match
- Fix 32-bit mode display
- Internet Explorer search engine
- Internet Explorer new tab page