Samsung SGH-I600 WM6.5 (Build 23090) custom ROM
Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM (Build 23090) for Samsung I600
Preinstalled apps: 1calc, pmcleansp, documents to go, messenger, resco explorer, celetask, internet sharing, registry editor, java, notepadx, smartsearch, sim manager.
New Start Menu icons, new MediaTopBar, lots of free RAM ( 24.70MB after SR, 26.77MB after killing ActiveSync), >36MB free main memory (at clean system).
Tags:apps, bluetooth wm6.5 sgh, Build, calc, celetask, celetask for windows mobile 6.5, editor java, explorer, free ram, internet sharing, main memory, menu icons, messenger, Mobile, registry editor, ROM, Samsung, samsung i600, samsung i600 firmware wm6.5, samsung i600 rom, samsung sgh, samsung sgh i600, samsung sgh-i600 wm6.5, sim manager, start menu, themes for windows mobile 6 samsung i600, update mobile 5 sgh i 600, Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows Mobile 6.5, wm6, wm6.5, wm6.5 i600 es
hi i’m writing from uruguay,and i’m very interested on run this rom in a samsung i 320.if anyone culd help my on that it will be great!thanks!
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