Microsoft aiming to sell 100 million WP smartphones in 2012


Microsoft have ambitious plans for their mobile OS and they’re based mostly on their partnership with Nokia. According to WMPoweruser, the American company has set a target of 100 million Windows Phone devices to be sold next year which may actually be doable is Nokia starts using its full manufacturing capabilities and selling worldwide and not just on a few “chosen” markets.


There are other interesting news about dual-core support in Windows Phone. According to the website, Microsoft had enough time to optimize their platform for dual-core processors, but chose not to do it because of Nokia. Because Nokia have just became partners with Qualcomm, Microsoft decided they couldn’t make a dual-core device by the end of the year and because they want to make Nokia their number one partner, Microsoft decided to delay dual-core phones altogether. Samsung and HTC for instance were fully capable of releasing such phones this Fall.

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