WM6.5.3 Taskbar Launcher

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt295/slumberparty666/tbl02beta_1.jpg http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt295/slumberparty666/tbl02beta_2.jpg

It’s a little tool that shows a customizeable launch pad when you hit the taskbar. If you don’t like this launch pad you can also launch something else instead. You can also say to launch nothing at all, this also disables HTC Notification, Samsung notification if you’re on OMNIA, or the annoying taskbar from newer 6.5.x builds.


Run the CAB file on your phone. All files are copied into program files directory. There’s also a shortcut installed in \Windows\Startup to automatically launch it after reboot. After installation the Taskbar Launcher is not yet running. Sorry this is only first – no second – beta. So go into the program directory and launch tbl.exe or if you’re too lazy just soft reset.


Hit the taskbar and then the icon of the program you want to launch. Hit the taskbar again or tap anywhere out of the launcher window to close it. You can also tap and hold anywhere in the window and a little popup menu appears. Here you can stop Taskbar launcher. With a gesture the screen can be rotated. Slide from left to right to rotate counter-wise, slide from right to left to rotate in the other direction. Of course this works also when the launcher popup is still hidden.


By default you see Explorer, HTC Notification, Task manager and few more in the launch pad. In the program directory of Taskbar launcher you’ll find an INI file (yes! old school!) which you need to edit.

In [General] section you can change the launch mode. There are 3 modes:

0 –> nothing happens when you hit the task bar
1 –> enable the customizeable launch pad
2 –> when hitting the taskbar then launch something else

LaunchExe and LaunchParam is executed if LaunchMode is 2.

In [CustomLauncher] section you can change the image used for background picture. The file is supposed to be the relative path to the program file directory. Don’t add absolute paths. Currently you can’t add path to a file in \Windows directory.

In [CustomCmds] you add the list of tools you need. Always increment the ID by 1. In the section for each tool you add a default image and a image when it is selected/highlighted (both relative paths again), executable file (absolute path) and an optional parameter.

Watch out! From beta 0.2 to beta 0.3 the “Image” parameter has been renamed. This is now called “DefaultImage”, while the selected/highlighted state image is called “SelectedImage”

After a change in the INI file or when chaning any of the PNG files then you have to restart Taskbar Launcher.



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