The successor of the Nokia N8?
According to the rumors so far, Nokia’s next high-end camera phone is going to be released in the first half of 2012 and is going to have a bigger sensor and optical zoom and sadly it’s going to run Symbian, because Windows Phone doesn’t yet support a lot of the necessary features for such a camera phone. While we’re waiting for the device’s debut, which may be held at CES 2012 or the Mobile Congress in Barcelona, pictures of the device have leaked online.
The photos actually come from an unofficial user manual, according to which the device is going to be called Nokia 803 and even though it doesn’t uncover any technical specs, the image clearly shows we’re talking about a phone with a great camera. The bump on the back is bound to have your attention and it’s probably where the camera is located and judging by the size of it, the camera sensor is probably going to be even bigger than the N8’s (the biggest one fitted to a mobile device so far) and the device is may really have optical zoom.
According to other rumors, the device is going to feature a 1gHz single-core processor and 512MB of RAM, which a lot of users may think isn’t enough, but judging by the Nokia N8, such a device doesn’t need incredible power in order to shoot great photos. B. A.