The successor of Lumia 800 – the Nokia Phi

Nokia Phi

Nokia Phi


There is less than a month until the debut of Nokia’s first Windows Phone 8 devices and there’s already information leaking online about them – according to the most recent rumors, the Finnish company is going to release three devices at first, one of them being the Nokia Phi – a code-name for the product, whose commercial name is still a mystery. According to the information, the Phi is going to be a successor to the Lumia 800 and although its design is going to remain the same, it’s specifications are going to be very different.

Nokia Phi

Nokia Phi


The expectations for the device include a 4.3″ curved display, once again covered with Gorilla Glass, a dual-core Qulacomm chipset, as well as NFC and LTE capabilities. Design-wise, the device is going to use the same polycarbonate material for the body, which sadly means, that its battery isn’t going to be replaceable, but than again there is at least going to be a slot for additional memory. There are going to be three buttons on the sides (with all three of them on the right) – an On/Off key, a camera shutter key and a volume rocker. Of course, those are just rumors, so we’ll have to wait until the official release of the device to see whether they’re true or not. B. A.

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