iPad 2 – Better, Sleeker, Smarter!
|It is generally accepted that the newer version of any machine or device is certainly better than its older or original model. This shouldn’t be any different for Apple’s iPad 2 which was launched in the second week of March. iPad 2, as expected, comes out much better than the original iPad. It has a sleeker design and smarter processor and specs. In this article we are going to review how iPad 2 is better in many aspects.
To start off, the design—right from the beautifully designed little box by Apple which holds this beautiful machine to iPad 2 and its accessories, you will be in awe with its exquisiteness.
iPad 2 comes in two different colors, and the white color appreciates the sleeker design even more. iPad 2 is unimaginably lighter, weighing only 680 grams. You would think it is made from plastic, but it is not. The metal sheet at the back is much lighter and thinner.
iPad 2 is designed in a very modern-looking rounded-corner shape. The difference in looks is visible between iPad and iPad 2. Because of the sleek design, light weight and thinner body, it is much more comfortable to hold this machine in your hands. Therefore it is aesthetically an improved version. It will also be visible to you that Apple has indeed optimized the area inside this machine to produce a thinner version.
iPad 2 is for sure a smarter version too, Apple has provided iPad 2 with a dual-core A5 processor and faster graphics. The battery life is also improved. So it has become an even faster machine which can help the gaming purpose a lot more. iPad 2 also has a USB port which was missing earlier on just like the camera.
The newer version now has a frontal VGA camera and a 1 MP back camera with the power of sight. For movie making freaks it has got an iMovie application which helps in editing movies. It also enables FaceTime chat. It is the most complete tablet yet because of its 60,000 apps. The speakers are notably changed so the sound system has definitely improved.
The price on this thing is still very much the same so you won’t have much difficulty aiming at the newer model. Whereas the iPad 2 has not gone under complete transformation from the original iPad, Apple has definitely made good things better in this tablet.