Windows Phone 7 UI – standalone for WM6.5 devices
This is a standalone .CAB app for WM6.5. You can customize it to make it look like Windows Phone 7. Should work on all screen types (QVGA/WQVGA/VGA/WVGA), other than the square ones.
Just install the CAB file (on device) and run it from the start menu.
New features:
- Customizable homepage
- Animated picture tiles (static, by default. you’ll need to put your picture in “\programfiles\host\animation” folder and enable it in the settings. READ THE HELP FILE FIRST)
- Panning support for homepage and shortcuts page (READ THE HELP FILE)
- Finger-swipe navigation for main pages
- Second picture folder
- Support for both landscape and portraite mode (screen rotation)
Tags:app, cab, cab file, folder support, htc hd2 volume control cab, interface windows phone 7 wm6, wm6.5.3, mobile games sansung cab wm 6.5 downloads, mode screen, omnia2 backlight taskbar, omnia2 mylight, Phone, remote desktop hd2 cab download, Screen, sense wm6.5 cab, start menu, swipe, swipe for windows 7 cab, swipe wm, swipefor windows, tiles, Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Phone, Windows Phone 7, wm6.5, wm6.5 animate battery, wm6.5 ui skin, WVGA, xda