US users may favor Google over Apple
Even though Apple may be constantly winning all sorts of awards for customer satisfaction, it seems Google isn’t really that far behind. According to a research, conducted by ABC News and Washington Post, in which 1007 users took part, 82% of the people have said, that they have a positive opinion about the software giant. Apple, on the other hand, are received well by “just” 74% of the users. The percent of users, which have said they are very fond of Google is 53, while Apple is once again falling behind with 37%.
They are however in the lead for number of users, who don’t approve of them – with 14% over Google’s 9%. It is however important to say, that the poll doesn’t really say why people have a negative opinion for one company or the other. Google seems to also be favored by younger people (bellow 30) – 92% versus Apple’s 81% and people, who earn more than $100 000 per year – 93% against 91%. The result, although interesting, may not be representative for the whole US population. B. A.