US users may favor Google over Apple

Apple and Google
Apple and Google


Even though Apple may be constantly winning all sorts of awards for customer satisfaction, it seems Google isn’t really that far behind. According to a research, conducted by ABC News and Washington Post, in which 1007 users took part, 82% of the people have said, that they have a positive opinion about the software giant. Apple, on the other hand, are received well by “just” 74% of the users. The percent of users, which have said they are very fond of Google is 53, while Apple is once again falling behind with 37%.

They are however in the lead for number of users, who don’t approve of them – with 14% over Google’s 9%. It is however important to say, that the poll doesn’t really say why people have a negative opinion for one company or the other. Google seems to also be favored by younger people (bellow 30) – 92% versus Apple’s 81% and people, who earn more than $100 000 per year – 93% against 91%. The result, although interesting, may not be representative for the whole US population. B. A.

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