The New York Times also confirm the coming of an iPad mini and a bigger Kindle Fire
With the beginning of the Nexus 7’s deliveries the rumors about Apple’s plans to also join this market have became more common than ever. The information about Apple coming out with a smaller, more budget-friendly tablet has even recently been confirmed by the New York Times, who have quoted a few reliable sources. According to their info, the iPad mini is going to feature a 7.85″ screen, a price considerably lower than that of its bigger brother and will be revealed by this year’s end.
According to some, this is part of Apple’s strategy to attract more customers, who may want devices with similar functions, but with different screen sizes, which leads us to expect Apple to release different products in different price groups, aimed at these people, who are going to use them for specific things. This is the same strategy, which the American giant applied on the MP3-player market, which they managed to dominate for years, largely thanks to the variety of iPods they offered.
There is yet another possible reason for releasing a smaller-screened tablet, though – it will help distinguish the company from its past – after all, it’s Steve Jobs, who initially insisted that the iPad’s screen would be 10″ in diagonal. According to him, this was the perfect size for such a device and anything smaller would make the user experience much worse. Then again, the company’s initial prototype had a 7″ screen – which lead Jobs to believe that would be too small.
The New York Times have also confirmed the rumors about Amazon introducing a new version of the Kindle Fire with a bigger screen. Sadly, the information, which they have released doesn’t include any specifics about the device or the size of its display, but according to the earlier rumors we should expect something like 10.1″ in diagonal. We should see soon enough, though – after all, the new Fire’s debut is expected to be held by the end of the month. B. A.