The HTC Edge [Unofficial]


HTC Edge
HTC Edge


The HTC Rezound, HTC’s first HD display smartphone, has just been announced and yet, there are already rumors about their next high-end device – the Edge. According to PocketNow, this will be HTC’s next top model and as such will have very tempting specifications. For starters – it will feature the Tegra 3 quint-core processor, which will be running at 1.5 gHz. The display is also very good – with its 4.7″ size and 720p HD resolution, it’s sure to be great for both movies and surfing, but it might just make the device too big for some users. Those who don’t mind big device will also get to enjoy 1 GB of RAM, an 8MP camera and Beats’ Audio technology. The device is expected to be released in the beginning of Q2 2012. B. A.

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