Tablet sales expected to explode through 2015
|According to the latest estimation around 10.3 million tablets were sold in US last year. Presently it is also estimated that the sale is going to double i.e. nearly 20 millions this year. According to the predictors, the tablet makers are going to sell about 35 million, 39 million and 42 millions in 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively. Also the researchers say that around 44 million tablets are likely to be sold up to 2015.
You will be surprised to know that, recently in June,Forrester has informed that tablet sales will reach 20.4 million units in 2015.
As tablet sales will increase, total number of people using these tablets are also going to be increased. By the end of 2011, Researchers team expect 26 million USA consumers to use the tablet PCs. This estimated figure is expected to increase up to 50.7 millions in number in year 2012 and 67.7 millions (approximately) in year 2013. Forrester also speculates that, around 82.1 million folks will be using tablet PCs US only. Obviously this number will be huge enough if we consider global consumers.
Forrester also says that the tablets are becoming the lifestyle devices day by day which in turn is making the rate at which customers are purchasing new tablets pretty nearer to that of a lifestyle mobile phone than that of a PC. Actually the researcher team has a belief that numerous first-generation iPad and iPhone buyers will definitely buy the iPad2 when it comes out this year in spring. There has been a lot of speculations about this device. Also, there have been rumors about the iPhone5. If it s released, no doubt a lot of people are going to purchase this. The previous iPad team of Apple speculates that the device will be given to children at the back seat in your favorite vehicle.
By watching the alarmingly increasing popularity of iPad, Forrester team believe that rivals, like Research In Motion’s Blackberry Playbook and Android developed tablet PCs are definitely going to take a backseat to Apple. But Forrester also informed that as the size of the tablet market is too small presently, there is enough space for just more than ruler.
That is definitely a piece of good news for numerous vendors which are expected to release their first tablet PCs in CES the ongoing week. One of such big companies, Vizio, has come to the market and announced the launch date with their first tablet. The company proudly says that a stronger 1GHz processor and 8 inch highly sensitive touch screen will definitely going to be stronger part in their product. It comes with a high speed wireless network and in built bluetooth technology and one HDMI output as well.