TA Maps – Google Maps for Windows Phone 7
|TechAutos Maps is a basic Google Maps client for Windows Phone 7. It’s meant as a temporary solution until Google releases an official Maps application for WP7 but should nonetheless be useful for places where Bing’s map data is not the greatest.
- Scrollable/zoomable Google maps
- GPS location tracking
- GPS enable + sensitivity settings
- Smoothly restores last map view from state or isolated storage when app is restored
Download: Here (extract the XAP file inside)
Note: TechAutos assumes no liability for the use of this product or any components contained therein.
Installation Instructions
TA Maps is not on the Marketplace, so you need to install it by side-loading the XAP file:
- Your phone must be developer-unlocked (if you haven’t done this with ChevronWP7 already, you can get it here—it’s pretty simple)
- Install the Windows Phone 7 SDK (click here)
- Use the Application Deployment tool (Start -> Windows Phone Developer Tools -> Application Deployment) to install the TA Maps XAP file