Samsung revealed the Exynos 4212 – a dual-core 1.5 gHz processor
|Mobile processors seem to be getting faster every day and the latest mobile processor comes from Samsung. It’s called the Exynos 4212, which shows it’s an upgrade from the 4210 found in the Samsung Galaxy SII. The new processor has actually improved a lot more than this little difference in the numbers suggests – it’s using a 32 nm technology, meaning it’s 30% more energy-efficient and is also paired with a GPU, which is over 50% better than the one found in the old 4210. The processor should be ready for production by the end of the year, which means some of the first devices we can expect it to power are the two new phones from the Galaxy family – the Galaxy S II HD LTE and the Galaxy S II LTE, which we already know have 1.5 gHz processors. Of course, it’s also possible that the Nexus Prime will also rely on this beast. B.A.