Profile switch app for phone, wifi, bluetooth and data connections
|This is a little app for Windows Mobile phones that stores up to 10 different settings for Phone, WiFi, Bluotooth, Data-Connections, vibrate, silent, eg. and create shortcuts to switch directly. The complete profile will be changed only with one click.
You will find two links in the startmenu folder:
– Profile Switch – the application
– Close Data – a little helper, shut down existing data connection without any visible window. It does not prevent new connections are established (the same funktion like “Close all connections” in the app.
Enabled network connections in the settings menu (‘Do not switch networks’ ) does not change this when turning on and off the data connections while choosing a saved profile.
You can edit the language files in the program folder and/or create an new one. For a new translation just copy the ‘english.lng’ to ‘french.lng, spain.lng …’. But edit/translate only everything after the ‘=’, not on the left side of the ‘=’! Save the file in unicode-format.