Mr-tones v1.5 – random ring, mail, SMS tones
|You can set up to 256 directories of sound files for each ring type, although you probly won’t be needing so many directories. In each folder you can have as many sound files as you want.
When it is activated, you will hear the captain say “Energized”. Then after the sounds will be switched automatically each time you get a new call/email/sms.
You can click “Next Tone:” to have Mr-tones go and grab the next random sound. It will preview this sound in your media player (or internally if it’s a wave). If this file was located on the Storage Card, it will copy it to the internal memory “\Temp\Phone” and use it from there. This file will be removed the next time a random tone is copied over, this way there won’t be a pile in the temp folder.
If you want to have Mr-tones start up automatically when you start your phone, you will need to set your “Autorun:” to On.
If Mr-tones is running and you click the Mr-Tones icon in your Start menu, it will turn off Mr-Tones. You will get a message that it has been disabled. You can then click the icon again and it will open the settings as expected.
Also included is a “Mr-tones-Debug.mscr” script so you can get a better feel of the script when it waits, it will vibrate once, and then when it changes the sound, it will vibrate twice.
WM5/6/6.5.3 device
Here is a link to the newest beta of Mortscript: