Motorola will try to provide an ICS update 6 weeks after it’s released

Motorola Droid RAZR
Motorola Droid RAZR


Even though none of the other manufacturers have announced a release date for ICS updates for their products, Motorola promised they’re customers an update 6 weeks after Google release the final version of the platform. This sounds ambitious, as smartphone manufacturers are well know for their late updates – it normally takes them a few months to update their most powerful devices and they don’t usually update the mid- or low-range ones.


Of course, there are different ways to interpret the phrase “final version” – whether they mean the release of the source code or Galaxy Neuxs’ debut on the market remains to be seen, but either way these are good news. The first devices to receive the update will be the RAZR, the Bionic and the Xoom. B. A.

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