moBudget app for Windows Phone 7
moBudget app for Windows Phone 7 will help you organize both your personal income and outcome budgeting. By doing so, moBudget will also hint you about possible budgeting and money saving opportunities. Its main screen features a summarized dashboard with a set of intelligent indicators which will tell you how you are doing depending on your budgets and on the current date.
Forget about grabbing a calculator each time you need to get any numbers or if worried about making it to the end of the month or not; moBudget will tell you all: what you have, what you will have, what you owe and more. It will either inform, alert or advice you when needed so you don’t need to worry.
By allowing stepping through months, allows you to whether look back to see how you did on previous months or how you will be doing in the upcoming months, so you can fine tune your budgets to the optimal.
Take it with you, record your data and you will see how money won’t cause a you a headache any more.
Key features
- Main dashboard with intelligent indicators
- Upcoming and overdue payments, incomes, bills
- Color-based and snapshot styled budget bar graphs for easy reading
- Budget adjusting helper
- Actual balance and budget balance adhoc *
- Accounts and credit cards usage recording *
- Cash flow bar graphs and out of funds predictions *
- Easy input for registering expenses, incomes and transfers
- Can create future operations and recurrent operations
- Multi currency support
- Easy month back and forth navigation