Machinarium now available for Android

Machinarium now available for Android
Machinarium now available for Android


Machinarium is an interesting game, developed by the Czech studio Amanita Design, which was first released for computers and has recently found its way to the mobile platforms. The game owes its success largely to its both original and quite simply stunning graphics, the challenging puzzles and the music, which was done by Tomáš Dvořák (also known as Floex) .

The story behind Machinarium is quite interesting, as you’re a robot, who has to solve various types of challenges, which involve manipulating different objects, in order to advance thorough the levels. The game is now available on the Android Market (Google Play) for $4, though, sadly, it’s curently only available for devices with HD screens, which greatly limits the number of people, who can actually try it out. Still, this is necessary is order for these users to experience the game as it was meant to. You can check out the trailer below. B. A.

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