iOS users spending five times more money on games than Android ones

Apple App Store games
Apple App Store games


The company Nwezoo has conducted a research among games in the US and the results are quite interesting – as it turns out, iOS users spend five times more money on mobile games than Android users. Nwezoo have reached these results by comparing the data for the profit and downloads of the Top 200 games for both platforms and also conducing a poll among 17 000 users. It turns out, that 84% of all games, which are downloaded from both Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store together have been downloaded on iOS devices. There is however the fact, that just 9% of the income from the average game comes from the initial purchase – the other 91% of it is actually from buying additional content. For comparison in Germany and France the profit margin from in-app sales is 73% and 87% respectively. Sadly, there is no data on the ones from ads.

Google Play games
Google Play games


About 19% of the US users use a feature phone for playing games (the rest, of course, use tablets and smartphones) – quite a lot less than French users, for which this number is 34. According to the analyzers over at Nwezoo, Apple’s success is due largely to the model used in iTunes – the user’s creadit card is connected directly with his account and all payments are done automatically, whether they’re in-app purchases or whole applications. Android meanwhile still has problems with app developers, who are very unhappy with the fragmentation of Google’s platform. B. A.

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