iChromy browser for iPad
iChromy brings the best of Chrome’s interface and speed to the iPad.
1. Tabs on Top
It’s very easy to open, switch and close tabs.
2. Extra space for content
The address bar will be hidden automatically when you scroll down the page, so you will get extra screen space for content. To show the address bar, just tap the tab again.
3. Ominibox
Type search keywords or URL in one box.
4. Open link in new tab
Long press a link and choose different open link options.
5. Offline Reading List
One-click to save a page to the Offline Reading List, one-click to remove. Long-press a link to add to Offline Reading List without opening the link. Offline Reading List is a great way to have pages later, whether offline or online.
6. Share to different places
Share a page to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Diigo, Instapaper etc.
7. Context search
Search from context menu directly.
8. Fast
Like Chrome, iChromy is fast. Multiple tab browsers on iPad are often slow or easy to crash due to the memory issue. iChromy reloads pages dynamically and smartly, so it feels fast even with multiple tabs.