Google may be considering buying Yahoo!
|According to the Wall Street Journal, Google may be considering buying Yahoo! indirectly. In order to do so, the company has spoken with the representatives of a couple of hedge funds to finance another company to make an offer, but there is no official information yet about them reaching a final decision. A direct deal would certainly cause the interest of the american antitrust commission. We remind you, that in 2008 the same organisation didn’t allow the two companies to make a contract for advertising and Yahoo! later partnered up with Microsoft. At the moment Google search is used by 65% of the users and Yahoo! and Bing – by about 15% of them each. According to the rumors, Microsoft also want to buy a piece of Yahoo!, in order to have a say when their future is decided. Google on the other hand want to use Yahoo! for advertisements and to also implement some of their services in the search engine. B. A.