Dell Axim X51V WM6.5 ROM Lite Classic (WWE) – optimized for a 64 M device

Status of the roms:

Roms (5CFA) 5.2.28002 WM6.5.x WMD branch ( because it’s lite it’s no more “FingerUI”): classic lite release
A11: WM6.5.x Classic lite(28002) WWE (some screenshots). (I’ve removed the link because there’s a bug in contact application, I need to investigate).
–both IE6 Mobile and PIE are available.
–dking 2700G driver
–patched Wireless Manager
–a 450 Ko dking DKLogo slot, that you can use to customize the x51v Boot Logo with dking Dell Logo Utility. The slot is preloaded with default Dell boot screen, you can put a compressed image up to 450 Ko (to compare with the Dell original logo that weight 120 Ko compressed).
To add any other WM6.5 feature (like adobe flash) to the A11 rom try to use A11 5A2D VOIP Professional extended packages (however I haven’t check the compatibility).
–This branch has magnifier feature and new contact management.
This rom have a default page pool value of 3.2 Mo and will boot with more than 25 Mo free running with Titanium.

Roms (5574) 5.2.21876 WM6.5.x com2 (“Stylus UI”): classic lite & Classic Lite Extendir releases
A11: WM6.5.x Classic lite(21876) WWE
E01: WM6.5.x Classic Lite Extendir (21876) WWE
–both IE6 Mobile and PIE are available.
–dking 2700G driver
–patched Wireless Manager
–a 450 Ko dking DKLogo slot, that you can use to customize the x51v Boot Logo with dking Dell Logo Utility. The slot is preloaded with default Dell boot screen, you can put a compressed image up to 450 Ko (to compare with the Dell original logo that weight 120 Ko compressed).
To add any other WM6.5 feature to the A11 rom try to use A11 5A2D VOIP Professional extended packages (however I haven’t check the compatibility).

–For the E01 extendir rom all WM6.5 extra can be installed using Shadrac PresetInstaller (so you can actually have a full WM6.5 Lite rom in your axim)
To know more about the incredible Extendir feature read this thread.
At first boot both rom will installed the mandatory package via UC (be patient during this phase), at second boot PresetInstaller will be automatically launched so you can install extra package using preselection or choose by yourself.
It means that if you want to hard reset your device you need to have you SD card to installed the mandatory packages. ( or your system won’t be stable).
Extendir roms have been tested with older French builds, those roms perform better but might conflict with other softwares (and then become unstable).

The roms have a default page pool value of 3.2 Mo. The A11 rom will boot with around 27 Mo free running with Titanium, you’ll get more than 29 Mo if you disable Titanium. You can get even more if you tweak the rom. The E01 will use 2 extra Mo from Ram, but will perform much better (check the benchmark below).



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