CHT Christmas Theme for Windows Mobile
Whats inside:
CHT Comm Toggles – Airplane, Wifi, Bluetooth, Phone, Silent, Vibrate
CHT Notification Icons incl Voicemail now
CHT HD Mini Lockscreen – Snowman lock slider, slider notification icons
Email and SMS widget skins (see instructions)
CHT softkeys and dock – Apps (start menu), CHT (CHT menu), Web, Phone, Tabs, Lock
Add-on widgets for theme:
dSign Clock v1.2 LE including Christmas layout
Days2Xmas widget – a massive thanks to Rat for this one.
Download and install the cab then soft reset. Do the same with the 2 CHT widget cabs.
Download and unzip the wallpaper folder and copy them to wherever you keep your wallpapers.
Set the Very wide WP to Christmas WP2 and skin the taskbar with the Christmas Taskbar WP.
Add the email, SMS, dSign clock (Christmas Layout) and Days2Xmas widgets (select your language in layout options)
Change the main and sub text colours for the email and SMS widgets in CHTE to 252,202,38
Add the toggles and notification icons as freelinks – toggles need to be down the right side or the candy canes will look a little daft!).
Select your softkeys in CHTE.