Apple trying to ban the Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3
Samsung Galaxy S3


Apple are obviously not planning on giving up against their main competitor in the smartphone business – Samsung. The American company has filled an application against the Koreans’ new superphone, demanding that it’s banned from the US market. According to Apple, the device is infringing at least two of their patents and they’re planning on using the news about the 9 million Samsung Galaxy S3 pre-orders against it – according to Apple’s lawyers, the popularity of the gadget is clearly showing how big their losses are going to be, if the device’s sales aren’t stopped as soon as possible. One of the patents, which Apple claim to have been infringed by Samsung is largely concerning the S Voice application, which the Koreans added to the Galaxy S3 – the Americans see it as a replica of their own voice control app – Siri.

Samsung Galaxy S3
Samsung Galaxy S3


Samsung have stated, that they’re going to battle Apple in the court and meanwhile will continue following their plans for a US release on 21.06. The company has also said, that they’re going to prove to the court, that their product is both innovative and very distinctive. B. A.

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