Android phones – the artificial intelligence

The invention of mobile and wireless communication technology has given humans new wings to fly and move ahead. Two decades back we could have hardly heard of mobile phones but today mobile phones are as common a Child’s toy. In the past ten years mobile technology has touched greater heights with the time. Earlier keeping a mobile phone was a luxury feel but today it has became a necessity. From big solid and heavy weighted mobile to soft and ultra light mobile is a journey 10 years in mobile technology segment. Multimedia mobile revolution attacked the market few years back which has created an addiction among the mobile users. Multimedia technology is also developing with great pace, SYBIAN, JAVA and now the latest Android based phones. The 3G android based phones have ruled out the mobile market with its strong presence. Android phones are studded with multiple technology which functions on a same platform at the same time. The name Android has been derived from a robot name which has all human qualities. The android phones have totally ruled other operation based mobile phones with its unique functioning quality.

T-mobile G1 with Android is the first android application based mobile phone with combination of multiple technologies. The Android based mobile phones allows a user to browse and surf the net with great convenience similar like the browsing done on computer or laptop.

The android operating system can run different application on the same at the same time, this is among top most feature of android technology as other mobile phones hangs and gets disturbed while performing this action. And if new update is available or arrives at that time then a updater application indicates about new activity. There are various chat and video messaging application available on this platform like yahoo messenger, Google talk and many others. Copying URL’s and pasting them on desired application for the use in various platforms is very easy. Most of the Google powered applications runs very easily on the android platform and can be accessed directly. Most of the android phones are touch screen mobiles and effectively work on single touch.

You tube, Google IM and GPS applications work very faster on Android phones. All the logos of shortcuts these kinds of applications are directly available on the android platform. All the mobile based applications can be accessed easily with android mobile phones. It can be directly connected to a Google account, so now there will be no problem of losing data from the mobile phone as it gets stored online in the Google account. The android technology has achieved greater heights in the new era, according to the name it has maximum human like intelligence. The android mobile phones come with a specialized security programs which ensure the protection to users personal information. This technology has given powerful tool to the humans and has replaced many gadgets like PDA’s and digital diaries.

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