Android OS is going to the top


The latest Nielsen report confirms what many expect to happen – Android surpassed its direct competitors at the end of July 2011.

In the U.S., 40% of consumers prefer a smartphone with Google’s operating system to 28 percent who rely on the iPhone. Third comes the Blackberry with only 19% market share, which is partly attributed to the precarious state of RIM right now.

36% of respondents would like their next smartphone to work with Android, while 34 percent intend to bet on iOS.

The report of Nielsen is almost identical to that of a few days ago from comScore. According to it, Android is the preferred platform for almost 42% of smartphones in the U.S. (5.4% increase compared to April 2011), against 27% for Apple phones (+1% increase compared to April 2011).

Other mobile platforms continue to lose positions – RIM, followed by Windows Mobile and Symbian.

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