10 tips before buying an Android phone
1- Ask yourself: for what do I want it? Don’t buy the most expensive device, if you just want to check the news and keep in touch with friends. Any device provides you the functionality for that, even the lowest range of smartphones.
2- Ask yourself: how much do I want to spend? If money is not an issue for you, congratulations. Otherwise, set a budget and stick to it. Also remember that the latest hot Android smartphone released is just the second tier smartphone of tomorrow. Normally, you get more for your buck if you buy a device that has been for some time in the market.
3- Ask yourself: contract or pre-paid? Do you want to pay little or nothing for your smartphone at the beginning and then pay every month the purchase of the device? Or, otherwise, you are willing to pay in advance for the device, knowing that you’ll save in the long run, since you won’t use it much? In the former case, go with contract. In the later, with pre-paid.
These first points are, above all, to guide you economically in the purchase of an Android smartphone, personally I see no reason to buy an expensive device and getting what you don’t really need. In almost all cases, it is never wrong to buy a lower-middle range Android smartphone, since they are good enough for most purposes.
Now, let’s take a look at the technical specs:
4- Ask yourself: what kind of screen do I want? The big and bright screen or the rather small, but energy efficient battery?
5- Ask yourself: do I need a mechanical QWERTY keyboard and a touch screen? Both make the smartphone more expensive but easier to use. If you are planning to type a lot of email you’ll get tired quick of a simple virtual keyboard. If you love games, then the touch screen is for you.
6- Ask yourself: how much ROM and RAM should I have? This depends on the use you are planning to give your Android smartphone. Normally between 288 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM or 384 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM is enough, to have a completely fluid user experience. Currently, almost all Android phones are already at this range. Although it is clear, that if you want to play and squeeze the most out of your Android, it is always recommended a little more.
7- Ask yourself: am I going to watch videos, or other multimedia on it? This point relates to point 4. If you want to watch videos and other similar stuff, do buy a 4 inches screen.
Last, but not least, there are some tips about the software.
8- Ask yourself: which version of Android has this smartphone on? For me, if it is indisputable that it has to be at least Android 2.2. Although it is clear that there are devices on the market with older versions of Android at a lower price.
9- Almost all Android applications are compatible with all devices, but some are not compatible with every version of Android, so check which version your smartphone will have.
Finally, the manufacturers:
10- If you want an Android smartphone that will last and have not many problems, I recommend you buy one of the mainstream brand. That means, more people will have it too, and they will also be able to help you out with any problem.
You should take a look at all the bugs and missing features in Android:
to know if it fits your requirements or you are better of buying an iPhone.